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Man vs Dog

Make sure the phones are charged and the cameras working for this one lads!

Man vs Dog is one of the most exciting and terrifying things you can put the stag through during his stag do and it's pure joy for the rest of you to be able to watch.

Trust us, this is one stag party activity the stag is guaranteed not to forget.

This is unlike any other stag activity we offer and unless the stag has robbed a bank before, it's unlike anything he has ever experienced.

The groom-to-be will be running for his life as a specially trained German Shepherd is released and set upon him. Trained to take people out and latch on until the victim gives in or the trainer gives the command to release, this is one event you're going to want to record and see again!

Weighing between 62 and 88 pounds with an average bite strength of about 269 pounds of pressure, German Shepards are no small pooch and are guaranteed to pack a punch!

If you and the lads would love to stitch-up the stag while giving him an equally amazing experience and an adrenaline rush like no other, don't go past this Man vs Dog for his stag weekend.

Below you'll find all the great stag do destinations Maximise offer this Man vs Dog activity in.

Regardless of your stag party destinations, we assure you this activity does not present any real risks or danger. The groom is very well protected in a special outfit that extends from head to toe and resists the dog's intense bites. In addition to this, his new four-legged friend is perfectly trained, so there is really no danger whatsoever for the stag or the dog. 

Who should book the Man vs Dog activity:

If you and the lads love a laugh and your stag enjoys a challenge and can handle a bit of humility, this is the activity for your mate's stag weekend.

Lying somewhere between a legendary prank and a bit of hazing or rite of passage before the stag enters the world of holy matrimony, Man vs Dog probably is a once-in-a-lifetime crazy activity that is perfect for a stag do!

OK, so, Man vs Dog might not be ideal for everyone, if your stag hasn't got a great sense of humour or has a genuine fear of dogs, this one might not be for him. But other than that, this is a legendary stag do activity! 

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